Located in peaceful New Richmond Ohio, Krueger Canine is located just 30 minutes east of downtown Cincinnati. This one of a kind boarding and training experience offers 7.5 fully fenced, peaceful acres. Rightfully so, the property has earned the nickname The Dog Oasis!

What We Offer
3 Week Boarding & Training Camp
Our process is simple! Your dog will spend 3 weeks living and training with us at The Dog Oasis. We break down the training into three phases:
Training Camp cost - $3500
Disclaimer: Our Training Camp is 3 weeks, however, for scheduling purposes, it is common for a dog to be with us a few additional days. The cost will never change, but we have found it beneficial for a dog to ultimately come home morning/ early afternoon on a day where you can dedicate to reacclimatizing them to the house. For example if the 3 weeks concludes on a Tuesday, but the owner works Mon-Fri, a Saturday or Sunday pickup would work much better. We will never keep a dog longer than 3-4 weeks unless it is the owner's preference.

Teaching Phase
Using food and positive reinforcement is the cornerstone of week one. A food motivated dog is a trainable dog! We are against unfairly withholding food from a dog for any reason, however we are absolutely for teaching a dog how to work for and EARN their daily meals. If a dog enters camp and is not motivated by their food, they are put on an appropriate exercise regiment to help burn calories, get the body working and create more drive to eat!
The first 5-7 days of camp are dedicated solely to building a relationship with the dog and building our obedience foundation.

Command Phase
This week we begin to name the commands as well as layer in leash pressure. The leash is an extension of your body! We believe a well mannered dog should have the ability to YIELD to the leash. Most dogs develop the habit of pulling against the leash, this is basically teaching them the opposite.
For example; we gently apply pressure straight up and the dog understands this means sit. We gently put pressure towards the ground and they understand this means lay down. ETC!
Teaching owners how to properly handle and manipulate their dog's leash is a crucial part of the process.

Proofing Phase
Our definition of Discipline; A dog's ability to think before they act and carry out obedience behaviors even if they don't want to. Week three is all about challenging what the dog has learned with real world distractions.
If your dog cannot execute commands when it really counts, they are basically just tricks at that point. Learning restraint and handler focus even when there are more exciting things going on is the key to the proofing phase. Your dog will learn to control themselves and become neutral around stimulating things they may encounter daily, such as new people, other dogs, children, etc

Give us a follow on Instagram @krueger_canine to
catch Training Campers in action!

Please be patient! We are a small business and do our best to reply to all inquiries in a timely fashion. Please include a detailed description of your dog and your training goals to help us better serve you. We appreciate your interest in our services!